Thursday, April 30, 2009

my life meets "the office"

Yesterday, Kaley Anderson said things that I say about my job sound like things that happen on "The Office". Therefore I will use the faces of Jim Halpert to explain how I looked/felt during a recent (like 15 minutes ago) experience, or "episode", if you will. The customers will be played by Dwight and Angela.

A couple walks in to my cubicle and I greet them with a smile and ask how I can help them.

The couple remarks that they need something notarized.

I say "Sure, whatcha got?". They respond by looking at each other in a very mean way...

...and the woman says "...divorce papers".

I feel very awkward, look straight ahead, and say nothing.

The end.

1 comment:

Goose said...

Nicely done. The images add to the story - especially that last one.