Monday, December 14, 2009

training to run - week 4: day 2

I skipped my running on Saturday and instead did it yesterday at Wall Doxey State Park. It was nice to get a change in scenery, but my run was terrible.

It was the same as the last run: run 3 minutes, walk 1 1/2 minutes, then run 5 minutes & walk 2 1/2 minutes (x 2). However there were a couple factors which made it a little more difficult.

First of all: hills. There were many more hills than I am used to and I wasn't as prepared for them as I had hoped to be. I got extremely tired about halfway through.

Wetness. There had been a lot of rain on Saturday and I found out that my shoes are not the best at gripping wet pavement. Thank goodness I'm getting new shoes for Christmas.

On my last 5 minute run, I stopped halfway through. I couldn't breathe well and I was just tired. I walked for a minute, then finished out the last minute and a half. After I walked back to my car I ran for another minute to make up for what I had skipped.

Still, it made me feel horrible to not finish. So what I think I'll do is try the last run of the week and if I still am struggling, I'm going to repeat the week. I read somewhere that this is a good thing to do if your endurance isn't building as quickly as you'd like.

Also I've started a calorie counting diet (using an app called Lose It on the iPhone) that requires me to log in everything I eat/drink. So far I haven't gone over my limit for the last few days, though I got close yesterday! We had a meal at church and let's just say I ate well.

I got a Christmas present for myself last is a iPod nano, 5th generation. I got it to use with the Nike+ system & shoes that I'll be getting for Christmas from the parents. It's an awesome little machine. I wish my old iPod did half the things this little guy does.

Well that's all for me at the moment. Enjoy your day...and I have a post coming in a day or so that DOESN'T have to do with running!

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