Friday, August 14, 2009

old times

Clay and I went back in time last night...not literally, but through the wonders of the internet we were able to go back and read old blog posts from Xanga. Thank God our sites are still active. It was quite a nostalgia kick to read entries from 2003/2004 and see what I was up to.

All the jokes and heartaches and friendships I read about really made me look at where I am today and how much I have changed. First of all, I'm not nearly as funny as I used to be. I guess that happens when you turn 26 (like I did this past Wednesday). Second, things don't affect me in the way they used to. One little thing could completely ruin my day back then, whereas now I'm a little more passive. My friends are all still part of my life, but let's face time moves on, so do people. Reliving all the experiences I had back then really made me happy to have lived through all of it.

As we read things to one another, Clay mentioned that he wished things could be the way they used to. I agreed, somewhat. But we all have to grow up...get jobs, make new friendships, accept responsibilities, get married (in his case). And I wouldn't trade where I am now for anything. Life has had it's rough spots, sure, but even a few years ago I didn't know nearly as much as I do now. I miss the hangouts in Tupelo, I miss having everyone around all the time and planning fun weekends. I miss the random road trips and the thrill of being on my own for the first time. But I also love having life experience and being self-sufficient.

All in all, I'm thankful for having blogged my past (almost) seven years. Looking back is fun, but as I once heard a criminal say on some HBO documentary, looking back will only make you go back. Looking down will make you go down. Looking forward...that's the way to look.


aStoryofCorrie said...

you're still funny. funny looking!

aStoryofCorrie said...

please. blog. more. and how did you get your twitter widget on your blog?