Friday, June 12, 2009

crazy friday (wardrobe malfunction)

DISCLAIMER: Nothing too bad on this post, but it's concerning a woman and a private area on her torso. Just so you know...

To elaborate on my tweet/FB status:

"Crazy Friday. I had rude customers, Wendy's got my sandwich order wrong, oh and I saw a big woman's boob. This one's going down in the history books."

Nothing in that status/update as interesting as the last thing I wrote about. The woman's boob. This is how it happened.

I was minding my own business, fixing some problems with past-due payments and such. Pretty much having a normal day. Then this customer comes in whom I have known for a long time. She's...strange. Nice, but definitely "out there". She used to dress like a man and even grew her own 'stache. True story. Pretty awesome mustache, too.

Anyway, she came in to see her cousin, a co-worker of mine. Since her cousin was gone to lunch, the lady came in to see me. She was talking to me and I noticed that she was dressed like a woman today. As I looked at her clothes, a yellow t-shirt and shorts, I noticed a few gaping holes in the shirt. Ok, I thought, just an old beat up shirt. I'm guilty of wearing those in public, too, sometimes. I thought nothing more of it until she raised her arm. At that point one of her sagging breasts popped out of the hole. My eyes grew wide and I immediately looked her in the face for the rest of the conversation. I contemplated telling her, but how do you go about that??!? So awkward. So she continued talking and then stood up, pushing it out even further. I was a little creeped out. She got closer to me to say goodbye and I turned my head.

She then walked out of my cubicle and everyone in the bank saw her dangling participle. It was the talk of the day. Well it was a hot topic, at least until we found out that a coworker has had two of her dead dogs in her freezer for two years waiting to bury them.

I don't know which is crazier!


Goose said...

"Dangling participle"

so much win, and yet an equal amount of fail.

Congratulations, sir. You win Friday!

Adam Robinson said...

Thanks bro! Sad to admit this but I stole that from the Office. Pam said that about Michael'

I'm still taking the "win", though!

anexrodeoqueen said...

That is incredibly disturbing on both counts.

Alex Fancher said...

hahahaha Oh boy... That is hilarious, but I'm sure it was quite... awkward. I'm sitting in a coffee shop and I just started bustin' out laughin'! Yes, there were strange looks. :)